
2014-present                 PRESIDENCY OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Advisor in the Cabinet of the BiH Presidency Member Bakir Izetbegović.
2011- present            SECURITAS BH
President of the Board and General Manager of the company 
2013-2015                 SECURITAS AB
Stockholm, Sweden
Chief of Technical Operations for Eastern Europe Region part of Securitas AB  
1996 – 2010        Alarm West GROUP
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Founder, owner and director of the company. Alarm West GROUP provided private security services in B&H.
Throughout this period successfully completed four acquisitions of other private security companies, which made Alarm West Group first in the market far ahead from competitors.
2012 – 2015  Managerial Economics, University of Sarajevo, UNSA;
1984 – 1988  Electrical Engineer FOR COMPUTER AND  AUTOMATION TEHNOLOGY;
1989 – 1991  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Engineering, University of Mostar;
1993 – 1995  SFI –  Swedish Language Academy;
1995 – 1996  Modernt Larm Ribberfalk & Co. Security Group Training and planning
                      for the programming of alarm systems;
1996–           Personal training through external training and education;