Category: summit100 2013

27. 05. 2013 Closer economic cooperation is a prerequisite of joint progress and higher competitiveness of the region and performance at third markets, participants of the Summit100 concluded. That message of the most influential business leaders was supported by officials of the government of the countries in the region on the ... Read More
10. April 2015test test
docek- prvi dan-DSC_7521
10. April 2015test test
drugi panel prvi dan-DSC_8067

Human capital

10. April 2015test test
10. April 2015test test
treći panel prvi dan-DSC_8329
10. April 2015test test
prvi panel- drugi dan-DSC_8501
10. April 2015test test
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Opening speach

10. April 2015test test
sastanak bevanda djukanovic-DSC_7822
10. April 2015test test
potpisivanje sporazuma-DSC_7749

Feniks agreement

10. April 2015test test