
1.Main positions:

Since April 2014: CEO, Nordic Energy Research, Nordic Council of Ministers, Oslo.

April  2014 – 2004:

International Director General, The Ministry of Climate and Energy, The Energy Agency, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2004 – 2002:

Deputy Permanent Secretary of State, International Director General, The Ministry of Business, Industry and Navigation, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2002- 1994:

Director, The International Energy Agency (IEA/OECD), Paris, France. Member of the top-management team of the IEA. Responsibility for policy and research issues for Renewables, Energy Efficiency and other “unconventional” energy resources. Responsibility for  R,D,D and D issues for all energy sources and technologies.

1994- 1982:

Director General, Ministry of Energy, Copenhagen Denmark.

1982- 1979:

Director, Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Industry, Trade and Navigation, Copenhagen, Denmark.

1979- 1973:

Head of section, The Ministry of Industry and Energy, Copenhagen

1972: Master of Law, University of Copenhagen